a. TV Appearances and Interviews
In Australia, one in 40 of us born today will live until we are 100, yet many of us will live our later years in poor health. In my ABC Catalyst documentary, I explore the extraordinary new science about how to keep our brains healthy into old age.
Click here to watch >> ‘Staying Longer for Longer: Brain'
Australians catch up via ABC iView.
Outside Australia? You can watch a version here.
b. Radio and Podcasts
c. Expert Neuroscience Commentary
I’m an increasingly influential commentator on neuroscience, brain health and mental wellbeing. Here are a few of the many pieces I’ve been interviewed for:
- How neuro-knowledge can help us find happiness and improve mental health. ABC Melbourne. July 2020
- Having ‘baby brain’ may not mean what you’ve been led to think it does. Sydney Morning Herald. Sep 2019.
- ‘I Had To Accept That Alcohol Fuelled My Anxiety’ Grazia. Sep 2019.
- I want a baby. Can I kickstart my broody gene? The Guardian. April 2019.
- 5 tips for a healthier brain in 2018. Marie Claire. Jan 2019.
- If you’re always running late, these strategies can help keep you on time. ABC Life. Feb 2019.

- Are you resilient enough? This is how to tell. Marie Claire. June 2018.
- What really happens to your brain before you get your period? Sydney Morning Herald. April 2018.
- Can ‘Mindfulness’ Help Students Do Better At School? Wall Street Journal. Feb 2015.
- The 10 fundamentals of re-wiring your brain. The Huffington Post. June 2016.
- One Easy Way to Find Your Life’s Purpose and Boost Your Brain’s Health. The Huffington Post. June 2016.
- The benefits of an afternoon nap. Balance by Deborah Hutton.
- Tired. Struggling to Concentrate? There Could Be a Simple Fix. The Huffington Post. April 2016.
- Stress relief: Experts say key to finding balance is to stop looking hard for it. Herald Sun. Feb 2016.
- 80% of Australians suffer effects of dehydration. The Sunshine Coast Daily. Feb 2016.
- The dark side of alternative health treatments. Daily Life. Nov 2015.
- Knitting Your Way to a Healthier Happier Mind. The Conversation. Sep 2015.
- Scientists should take a leaf out of wellness blogger’s book. ABC The Drum. Aug 2015.
- ‘Why would I listen to my overweight doctor’: Wellness guidelines need a makeover. Sydney Morning Herald. Aug 2015.
- Why tidying may just change your life. Body & Soul. June 2015.
Here are a few of my favourites:
- The Simple Strategy to Achieve Any Goal.
- The Upside of Anger.
- Imagine this – mental imagery strengthens neural circuits.
- This is your brain on empathy.
- Is brain fog during menopause real?
- How festive food can affect your mood.
I’ve also blogged for a few US wellness websites. Here are some of my most popular articles:
- Why Crafting is Great for Your Brain. A Neuroscientist Explains. MindBodyGreen. * Winning on >98K shares!
- Why Friendship is Great for Your Brain. A Neuroscientist Explains. MindBodyGreen.
- How Finding Your Purpose Protects Your Brain. A Neuroscientist Explains. MindBodyGreen.
- The Neuroscience of Mindfulness Meditation. The Chopra Centre. 2016.
- Neuroscience Insight. How to Break Bad Habits. The Chopra Centre. 2016.
Here are some grittier articles brain cancer.
- Fighting the Big C with Big D. Brain Cancer and Big Data. Cure Brain Cancer.
- A Short History of Cancer. Cure Brain Cancer.
- The Open-Minded Art and Science of Drug Repurposing. Cure Brain Cancer.
I was recently profiled in The Age and Sydney Morning Herald.
Dr Sarah McKay is making brainwaves with her online Neuroscience Academy. SMH, The Age.