



a. TV Appearances and Interviews

In Australia, one in 40 of us born today will live until we are 100, yet many of us will live our later years in poor health. In my ABC Catalyst documentary, I explore the extraordinary new science about how to keep our brains healthy into old age.

Click here to watch >> Staying Longer for Longer: Brain'

Australians catch up via ABC iView.

Outside Australia? You can watch a version here.

Can you live forever?

Watch as I meet Silicon Valley ‘bio-hacker’ Eric Matzner who believes he'll live forever (or die trying!).

Are anti-ageing drugs real?

Watch as I visit the Buck Institute in California and meet a group of scientists who are exploring the anti-ageing science of senolytics.

The inevitable loneliness of old age: what can we do to help?

Watch as I conduct a ‘social experiment’ to reduce loneliness in an aged care home by creating a resident’s choir.

Meet our Super Agers & their remarkable brains!

Meet four fabulous folk who have defied the ageing process. Who can navigate through a hedge maze faster — the wise elders, or their young sprightly offspring?


Can you freeze your way to better health? This is the time I became a ‘Frozen’ GIF.

Mums At The Table.

A cosy chat on the coach all about The Women’s Brain Book.

The hard (& death-defying) problem.

That time I tried to explain consciousness during an elevator ride (& the universe let us know it was listening in).

Is your health all in your head?

An SBS Insight special on placebo effects. SBS view and transcript. 2016.

Increasing Brain Potential.


The Exchange TV.

c. Expert Neuroscience Commentary

I’m an increasingly influential commentator on neuroscience, brain health and mental wellbeing. Here are a few of the many pieces I’ve been interviewed for:

About Feature-01

d. Articles

Between 2014 and 2016 I wrote over 40 articles on the mind, brain, neuroscience, psychology and everything in between for the ABC‘s brain training program Active Memory. Active Memory was part of a research project into online brain training, but the project is now completed. Sadly the site is retired and blogs are being republished here.

Previous writing and consulting clients include:
