
Professional development training in:

applied neuroscience & Brain health


We help professionals understand neuroscience and consider its application to their work through online courses, workshops and live events.

At Think Brain, our online trainings are accredited for quality, academic standards and professional development. Our applied neuroscience and brain health courses go through an approval process to ensure the learning value, objectives, and structure conform to the global CPD guidelines.


Making Neuroscience Accessible and Practical

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The Neuroscience Academy Dark

A 12-week professional development online program in Applied Neuroscience and Brain Health Sep-Dec 2025.

12-week professional development online program in Applied Neuroscience and Brain Health.

Internationally acclaimed, this online course equips professionals with a robust and useful foundation in brain science.

Graduates include coaching professionals, psychologists, educators and teachers, mental health and social workers, managers and leaders, personal trainers, mindfulness practitioners, neurofeedback providers and teachers.

They’re smart, savvy, curious people with a sincere desire to help their clients, patients or students and make positive change in the world.

want more information?

Download a Neuroscience Academy Curriculum Guide

Download the free PDF outlining everything you need to know about The Neuroscience Academy!

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The Brain Coach Bootcamp Dark

Two-week intensive online training and certificate in Applied Neuroscience & Brain Health. June (2nd-13th) & August (4th-14th) 2025.

A foundational course in applied neuroscience for time-poor professionals working in the fields of human behaviour, mental health, education & wellbeing.

The Brain Coach Bootcamp curriculum, certification and lifetime membership options are identical to those offered by the 12-week Neuroscience Academy program, but is taught over two intensive weeks (link to details here). In 2025, we'll teach two sessions (June and August)

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The neuroscience Self Study

A foundational course in applied neuroscience for professionals working in the fields of human behaviour, mental health and wellbeing.

Study online at your own pace from anywhere in the world.

Access Neuroscience Academy core content including 17 video lessons + summary notes + worksheets + hand-picked resource library.

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In Her Head dark

Online professional training and certificate for coaches and therapists in the nature, nurture and neuroplasticity of the female brain. 2025 on hold pending content update. 

Improve and broaden your knowledge and competence in women's brain health and neurobiology.

IHH is a continuing professional development training created for coaches, therapists, and mental health and wellbeing practitioners who work with girls and women.

Students learn through a mix of short video lectures, reading, class discussion and homework tasks.

DRSM - Course Mockup - NeuroCoaching V3-min
Neuroscience Coaching Network Logo-Black

Develop neuroscience-informed coaching tools & practice through education, collaboration & community. Next session commences 17th March 2025.

The Neuroscience Coaching Network (NCN) is an online professional training program and global community.

Created for new, experienced and certified coaches with a genuine interest in applying brain science to their practice.

Designed to encourage conversations and collaboration between the coaching and neuroscience communities. Learn about neuroscience from neuroscientists!

Free Micro Training in Applied Neuroscience 

for Busy Humans.

Over ten tiny email-based lessons, you’ll explore the following neuroscience concepts:

  • The interplay between emotions and thinking
  • The importance of social connection and therapeutic relationships
  • Creating and breaking habits
  • Neuroplasticity and behaviour change in adulthood
  • Using visualisation to master skills and emotions
  • Effective goal-setting, even when everyone is burned out.


Each bite-sized lesson offers a focused exploration of an idea through the lens of neurobiology.

Quickly and easily enhance your neuroscience literacy and confidently integrate brain-based knowledge into your practice, whether in the clinic, classroom, or corporate setting.

Maximum impact with minimal time investment!


"I want to thank you for the gentleness with which you nurture your students, and for the excitement you create for neuroscience and its opportunities."

Anthony Haywood
Dean at St Joseph's College in Brisbane

"Sarah is like a personal shopper for neuroscience: she finds the most relevant, current, credible research regarding the brain and the coach approach and presents it to you in a way that you can actually utilise with clients."

Kathleen Buchanan
Wellness Coach and Yoga Teacher