Curious about how to use neuroscience in your work and everyday life?
You might have figured out by now that neuroscience is my thing. You might also have figured out it is a pretty interesting subject that you'd like to explore too. So we have the good fortune of meeting this way!
Yes, neuroscience is broad, deep, complex, mysterious and transformative. But learning about the mind and brain isn't only for scientists, doctors or academics.
If you've noticed neuroscience research is usually locked away in ivory towers, behind the paywall of academic journals, presented at scientific meetings for other scientists or delivered in a way that is irrelevant to our daily lives, then you're in the right place.
Or if you've learned about the mind and brain from people with little training in science or understanding of the complexities of research (and there are plenty of folks jumping in the neuroscience bandwagon marketing themselves as ‘brain gurus’ and selling outdated, or even mythical “neuro-nonsense”), you're ALSO in the right place
My writing, teaching and online training programs are created so you can easily access, understand and implement evidence-based neuroscience strategies into your everyday life and work.
I explain the brain using commonsense, real-world examples, stories and humour. I'll show you how neuroscience can be interesting, exciting and relevant.
About Dr Sarah McKay (in short)
I’m an Australian-based (Kiwi-born) neuroscientist, speaker, author and founder of Think Brain and the Neuroscience Academy suite of training programs.
More importantly, I'm a mum to two teenage boys, a sailor (co-captaincy shared with husband), a botanical artist and an ocean swimmer.
I explain the brain to helping professionals so they can coach brain owners in a way that promotes real change and inspires positive action.
The ‘Official’ Bio
Dr Sarah McKay is a neuroscientist who translates brain research into strategies for professionals working in health, education and coaching. She received her PhD from Oxford, but after five years of postdoc research, she hung up her lab coat to set up Think Brain — a science communications business that bridges the gap between the lab and everyday life.
Sarah is the author of The Women's Brain Book—The Neuroscience of Health, Hormones and Happiness, which explores the female lifespan through the lens of neurobiology. In 2019, Sarah hosted an episode of ABC Catalyst exploring brain health, bio-hacking and longevity. Her second book, Baby Brain—the surprising neuroscience of how pregnancy and motherhood sculpt our brains and change our minds (for the better), was published in 2023.
Sarah is the director of The Neuroscience Academy, which offers professional development training in applied neuroscience and brain health.
Sarah has been published extensively for consumers and professional audiences. She’s been quoted in the Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, Grazia, Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, and Mamamia and can be seen and heard on SBS Insight, ABC Catalyst, ABC Radio National, Radio New Zealand, and Channel 7.
Sarah lives on Sydney's Northern Beaches with her Irish husband and together they are raising two surfer dudes and one cocker spaniel.

a. Here’s where it all started
Brain science and I first met and fell in love way back in 1993 after I read Oliver Sack’s book ‘The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat’. It impacted me profoundly and from that moment I knew little else would fascinate me more than the human brain.
After completing an honours degree in Neuroscience at Otago University in New Zealand, I won a Wellcome Trust scholarship to complete my MSc and PhD at Oxford University (where, thrillingly, I followed in Oliver Sacks’ footsteps).
I spent my time at Oxford studying the fine art of electrophysiology and answering questions about brain development — what guided synapse growth: nature, nurture or neuroplasticity?’
In 2002, my Irish husband and I headed to Sydney, Australia in search of sunshine, surf and a sailboat (for a year, ahem). I’m delighted to say we found them all (and stayed)!
b. My career
Following a short stint rewriting breast cancer clinical practice guidelines at a cancer council, I spent the next five years researching and teaching neuroscience.
During my first postdoc position at NeuRA, I focused on the immune system response to spinal cord injury. At my second postdoc post at Garvan Institute of Medical Research, I looked at neuroplasticity and the development of deafness.
Passionate as I was about research, I found myself getting frustrated with failed experiments, the grant application merry-go-round, and the unbearable slowness of the academic publication process.
Meanwhile, I found my happy place sharing science with public tour groups, teaching medical students, and writing for online science Q&A forums (back in the good old days before social media!). So after much soul-searching, I put down the pipette, hung up my lab coat, and followed my passion of writing and talking about science and medicine.

c. Since 2008
I’ve combined running Think Brain Pty Ltd with raising my two boys on Sydney’s Northern Beaches.
Yes, I miss the lab. Especially the intellectual challenges and the dedicated and creative scientists I used to spend my days with. But I also like to connect the dots between ideas and disciplines and share my insights with the public. So in my business, I’ve found the best of both worlds.
When I’m not at the beach, I spend my days sharing the latest neuroscience research and its many practical applications in my book, at speaking gigs around the country ,and through my online professional development programs.
You can see where I have appeared on TV and other media below.
Watch Sarah's TEDx Talk

Work with Dr Sarah
Please note
I am not a medical doctor. I'm a PhD trained scientist. Please read my DISCLAIMER about consulting a professional medical doctor for any advice or concerns you may have about your own or someone else’s health and wellbeing.
And to see my academic credentials click here and for my academic publications click here.
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Backed by neuroscience. Tested by neuroscientists.