
SMK – Membership Brandboard V02-07

A two-week intensive online course in Applied Neuroscience & Brain Health.

In 2025 we'll teach TWO Bootcamps (June & August): 9th-20th June, 2025 & 4th-15th August, 2025

ICF & NHWBC CE accredited.

Bootcamp MockupCourse DRSM V2_

A foundational course in applied neuroscience for time-poor professionals working in the fields of human behaviour, mental health, education & wellbeing.

The Brain Coach Bootcamp is an intensive two-week online training in applied neuroscience and brain health.

The curriculum, fees and certification options are identical to those offered in the slower paced 12-week Neuroscience Academy.

* New for 2024: Completely updated neuroscience curriculum + closed captions for all online lectures.

For details of fee payment in AUD, USD + payment plan options scroll to FAQs at bottom of page.

Bootcamp - Icon - Discover Neuroscience

Discover Neuroscience

Master basic brain anatomy & physiology + the neurobiology of stress, emotion, cognition, development & ageing.

Bootcamp - Icon - Explore the mind

Explore the mind, brain & behaviour

Gain insights into brain plasticity, habits & motivation, intuition, resilience, gut-brain health & nutrition, sleep & social connection.

Bootcamp - Icon - Implement brain science

Implement brain science

Develop evidence-based content and tools for conversations about neuroscience with the people you help.


a. How do you use neuroscience to help others?

If you're a mental health worker, therapist, coach or educator you'll know brain science can change the lives of the people you work with.

Neuroscience explanations can be powerful and persuasive tools for change. But, as the saying goes, with great power comes great responsibility—so brain science must be used wisely.

The Brain Coach Bootcamp provides busy professionals with a solid non-hyped introduction to the field of applied neuroscience—with a particular focus on the development of evidence-based tools & strategies.

Students will consider how to develop neuroscience-informed content (the ‘what’) and neuroscience-informed tools for the delivery of coaching (the ‘how’).

"I have known Sarah since we were graduate students. She was always an extremely sharp thinker about science; she likes to challenge things but with an openness to possibility. It's hard to maintain sharp-edged curiosity without becoming cynical. Sarah did that as a graduate student and she does that now."

Professor Andrew Huberman. The Huberman Lab Podcast.

b. Enrolment in the Brain Coach Bootcamp will give you lifetime access to:

++ 17 online video lectures taught over two intensive weeks. Students should commit to two to three hours per day Mon-Fri for the two-week training. All online lectures now with closed captions.

++ Daily live Zoom Q&A sessions and class breakout rooms with Sarah. See FAQs for details.

++ Live training on how to 'use' neuroscience thoughtfully. Students will develop neuroscience-informed content (the ‘what’) and neuroscience-informed tools for delivering coaching (the ‘how’).

++ Summary notes and worksheets are available for every lesson. You’ll always have handy access to the most important concepts from each lesson.

++ Extensive hand-picked library of resources, including open-access research papers, books, TEDx talks, articles, and interviews.

++ Step-by-step guides on how to source, read, and understand scientific research articles.

++ A growing library of in-depth interviews with academics and experts in gut-brain health, positive psychology in coaching, education, and healthy ageing.

++ Upon successfully completing an online quiz, students are awarded a certificate in Applied Neuroscience & Brain Health, equivalent to 34 hours CPD (ICF & NHWBC accredited).

Visit www.theneuroacademy.com for student stories and a curriculum overview.

The slower paced Neuroscience Academy 12-week training commences September 2025.

On-demand Neuroscience Self-Study available any time. Click here to learn more.

DRSM - Brain Coach Bootcamp IPAD Mockup Video

"I got exactly what I wanted out of the course, which is a deeper understanding of the neuroscience that underpins coaching people to their ultimate goals. I'm certainly a more effective coach for having studied this course.

The course is incredibly well structured with a natural flow to the order of learning. The pre-recorded lesson presentations are delivered with genuine enthusiasm that keeps you engaged. There are so many useful resources provided to accompany the course.

The live Q&A sessions were an excellent medium to discuss the lessons and get more out of them than what's in the material. It's great to be connected with like-minded people from various backgrounds through the community that is created by being a part of The Neuroscience Academy."

Gurinder Sandhu. Movement-based coach and Evolve Achieve Thrive Podcast host.


Start transforming the minds of your clients.

We offer TWO 2025 Brain Coach Bootcamp sessions: 
June (9th-20th) or August (4th-15th) 2025 

Pre-register your interest for either Bootcamp + receive 2025 curriulum by leaving your name & email here.

Neuroscience Academy 12-week training commences September 2025.