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Rethinking the reptilian brain.

This is a long read, so click here to download a PDF to read offline or share. The ...

The creative-right vs analytical-left brain myth: debunked!

I’m a neuroscientist by trade. Popular culture would most likely label me 'logical, detail-oriented and analytical' (which I ...

July Walking Book Club – Brainwashed: the seductive appeal of mindless neuroscience

Neuroscience seems to offer daily insights into the very core of what it means to be human. But ...
berry brain health superfood myth

Why berries may not be a brain-boosting super food (part 1)

Early October and the mulberry tree over my back fence is laden down with fruit.  I picked three ...

download your brain health checklist


The 9 Habits of Highly Healthy Brains

Backed by neuroscience. Tested by neuroscientists.