How your friends reduce your risk of dementia.
“The days are long, but the years are short.” This was a mantra to myself many afternoons when ...
Is your brain safe from sugar?
Back in 2013 (when this post was first published), it was quite fashionable to 'quit sugar'. Health and ...
10 science-based steps to reduce your risk of dementia
By Dr Kate Gregorevic, Geriatrician, Writer and Founder of Projet ThreeSixFive. Dementia has now overtaken cancer as the ...
Your life’s purpose. Why finding your passion is essential to maintaining brain health.
I've been writing this brain health blog since 2013, and it has changed my life and my career ...
Age-related muscle wasting and cognitive decline linked
by Blake Alec Miranda. We're all familiar with the concept that with ageing comes a gradual loss of ...
Is it ever too late to hope for change?
On February 21, 1875, one year before Alexander Graham Bell filed his patent for the telephone, a baby ...
How to nurture a healthy brain for life (Part 7 of Your Brain at 100)
This is part 7 of a series of lessons in brain health from our elders — those folk ...
Is Alzheimer’s disease a women’s health problem? (Part 5 of Your Brain at 100).
This is part 5 of a series of lessons in brain health from our elders — those folk ...
Can we predict who will reach 100? (Part 3 of Your Brain at 100)
Can we predict who will receive a telegram from the Queen? Are centenarians grown-up versions of the exceptionally ...
We get happier as we get older. (Part 2 of Your Brain at 100)
This is part 2 of a series of lessons in brain health from our elders — those folk ...
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The 9 Habits of Highly Healthy Brains
Backed by neuroscience. Tested by neuroscientists.