I’m a neuroscientist by trade. Popular culture would most likely label me ‘logical, detail-oriented and analytical’ (which I am!)
However, in high school, I considered applying to art school and pursuing a career as a painter. I dabble in botanical watercolour and love designing in Canva. You could also label me ‘creative, thoughtful and artistic.’
No doubt you’ve heard that the left side of the brain is logical and analytical, whereas the right side is artistic and creative.
Maybe you even landed on this article because you googled the phrase and arrived here. (You’re very welcome!!).
The idea is that personality or cognitive processes (ways of thinking) are cultivated on one side of the brain or other, giving rise to the rather nifty idea that you are right-brained or left-brained, creative or analytical … neuroscientist or artist.
No evidence from brain scans that people are ‘right-brained’ versus ‘left-brained’.
This popular notion was debunked in 2013 by University of Utah neuroscientists who used brain imaging to show there is NO evidence that people are ‘right-brained’ or ‘left-brained’.
A team from the University of Utah scanned the brains of 1,011 people between the ages of seven and 29. They used a technique called resting-state functional connectivity magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fcMRI)… forget about that mouthful for now. The study tested the idea that one half of a person’s brain is more active, connected, and synchronised than the other.
The team divided each person’s brain into over 7,000 regions and examined each region to see if it showed stronger activity on the brain’s left or right side. They also looked for connections between more localised regions (also called ‘lateralised’) to one hemisphere or the other.
As Jared Nielsen, a PhD student who worked on the study, said
…we just don’t see patterns where the whole left-brain network is more connected or the whole right-brain network is more connected in some people. It may be that personality types have nothing to do with one hemisphere being more active, stronger, or more connected.
Neuroscientist Dr Jeff Anderson, lead author of the study, said,
It’s absolutely true that some brain functions occur in one or the other side of the brain. Language tends to be on the left, attention more on the right.
But people don’t tend to have a stronger left- or right-sided brain network.
How did the left-brain vs right-brain myth come about?
The two hemispheres of the brain are slightly different anatomically and microscopically (which means they look a bit different when you look at them with your eyes and down the microscope).
And the two hemispheres of the brain (connected by the corpus callosum) do perform different jobs. In the industry, we call this lateralisation of brain function. Lateralisation is the tendency for some neural functions or processes to be specialised to one side of the brain or the other.
For example, the left side of the brain controls movement on the right side of the body and vice-versa. Speech and language are typically jobs performed by the left hemisphere. But not ALL aspects of speech are left-sided. Intonation, for example, is found on the right. As an interesting aside…language and ‘handed-ness’ are related. Whereas 97% of right-handed people have their speech centre on the left, only 70% of left-handers do.
Also, studies of patients with tumours or strokes show that our sense of our body and limbs in space (proprioception) is more likely located in the right hemisphere.
Some neuroscientists theorise that these differences and the brain asymmetries of language, spatial perception and handedness probably led to the prevailing myth that personality and styles of thinking are also located to one hemisphere or the other.
But what if I AM a right-brain creative type?
Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. Everyone has talents, and everyone has weaknesses they need to work on.
Recognise and foster your talents. Set goals and develop new skills.
Don’t attribute ‘whole brain’, global functions, personality or career choices to one hemisphere of the brain being weaker or stronger. The brain is way more complex (and interesting) than that!
Is there a problem with using left-brain versus right-brain … just for fun?
One problem that has arisen from this mythology is the raft of books, tests, apps, workshops and online games that exploit the myth by promising to help you ‘tap into your creative right brain’.
Fine — if you want to spend your money on them and expand on skills and knowledge that you may not already have. However this simplistic right-brained vs left-brained view is not grounded in our contemporary understanding of how the brain works.
Also, believing that you are ‘creative but not analytical’ or ‘logical and unintuitive’ and that is hard-wired into your brain is a rather limiting belief and probably becomes self-fulfilling after a while.
Christian Jarrett who writes for Psychology Today sums my thoughts up perfectly:
I suppose the logical left-brain, creative right-brain myth has a seductive simplicity about it. People can ask – which kind of brain have I got? They can buy an app to target their weaker half. They can categorise languages and people as right-brained or left.
It’s tricky to combat that belief system by saying the truth is really more complicated. But it’s worth trying, because it would be a shame if the simplistic myth drowned out the more fascinating story of how our brains really work.
Nielsen et al. 2013. An Evaluation of the Left-Brain vs. Right-Brain Hypothesis with Resting State Functional Connectivity Magnetic Resonance Imaging. PLoS ONE. Costandi M. 2013. 50 ideas you really need to know about the human brain. Quercus Editions. London. Image credit: https://www.flickr.com/photos/jaselabs/4294058222
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About Dr Sarah
Neuroscientist, Author, Speaker, Director of The Neuroscience Academy suite of professional training programs.
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Thank you for this interesting information. A while ago, I did a little test to determine/confirm which side of my brain is predominant…According to the result…I was both “right brained” and “left brained”. I repeated the test later ( different versions) with the same result. Well, now I understand why…Thank you.
Thanks Elzbieta – sounds like the results was pretty accurate!! Sarah
The irony in this article is that if a person favors using many tone inflections in their speech then they are a person who uses the right brain process more often than a person who speaks in a more mono tone.
In many ways this article substantiate the basis of why the left brain right brain cliché exists.
It’s simple enough to not presume that a person who favors to use the right side processes more often (or left side) has an equally developed Opposite brain hemisphere but favors the habits of the one side more for unknown reasons.
Really enjoyed your article in Mind Body Green today. It lead me to your site that has
a lot of interesting information for example: debunking the right brain left brain.
I’ll keep reading….
Well thank you! Glad to have done some debunking for you 🙂 Go sign up to my newsletter and keep in touch.
Great article. I believe too that the danger here is a self fulfilling prophecy (in young people especially).
Take this blog for example:
Now, what is written over there is clearly wrong and there are several other websites which present similar ideas.
For me, I have a degree in Fine Art, studied art composition, the golden ratio and am acutely aware that visual art is a mathematical endeavor as well as a creative one.
I just can not believe that people continue to perpetuate a concept (left brain/right brain) that is clearly incorrect.The contradictions are so obvious even when looked at casually.
YES yes yes!! The idea is pervasive! I think its fine to have analogies about how we ‘think’, but it’s NOT based on how the brain works.
Nice to have you round these parts.
Thanks for this article, Sarah.
The very pervasive left/right brain myth has long been one of my pet peeves.
The mass media seem to have a great predilection for pseudo-science, even in purportedly “science” TV programs..
Another issue sure to raise my hackles is the mantra that nature is “fractal”. Which it very clearly ain’t.
Peter. Agree! And let’s not even start on the new movie Lucy and the 10% myth!!
The way I see it there is a difference between common usage as a figure of speech vs scientific fact. I know what scientifically the notion of a left and right brained divide to simplify creative vs analytical though is ridiculous. However, I still do use the term “left brained” vs “right brained” to describe people. It is shorter to say “right brained” vs “someone who’s strengths are creative, intuitive, and artisitc thought processes”. I look at these terms as useful metaphorical figures of speech rather than scientific fact. Similar to telling someone they are as blind as a bat. Obviously not all bats are blind and some have a very keen sense of vision but the statement was used as a figure of speech vs accurate scientific fact.
I agree to a certain extent. And if fact I used the term ‘left-brain thinking’ the other day as short-hand for analytical. There is always a place for a short-hand phrase, the problem arises when we treat that phrase as scientific fact. With the brain it gets pretty easy to do that as it’s so complex!
Hi Sarah, I have been reading with interest the neuroscience evidence on debunking the left/right hand brain myth. I have read that neuroscientists believe that neurological connections can be made right into adulthood and I am wondering what the impact of this is on teachings that you should play to your strengths and not focus on your weaknesses? I would love to have your view on this. Many thanks.
I imagine that our strengths (and perceptions of them) change during our life course. Have you checked out this link: https://www.viacharacter.org/survey/account/register I think you’ll see that they are clearly dependent on circumstance and season of life etc. Let me know what you think?
Thank you Sarah. It’s very interesting and one I hope to explore further. From the development world a lot of the teachings over the past 15 years have been about focusing only on strengths. With the newer research from neuroscience I think it is worth exploring further. As I work in the field of coaching and leadership development I would love to be able to apply the research from neuroscience into practice and ensure we are not upholding any urban myths. Thanks again.
You’re so welcome! So much great neuroscience that is applicable for coaching too. I’ll be looking forward to sharing more with you Aine.
Is swimming a predominantly left- or right brained activity? What if you exhale on one side?
My belief is that the brain operating from its left & right hemispheres is in fact the Masculine brain…the control centre for the human, mortal body, which takes its info from the Nervous System (the system of fear…it’s very nervous). This is a process of duality (left and right sides) that employs the spinal canal for its means of delivery. The creative Feminine brain, which is increasing its presence, operates through the middle channel of the brain when we’ve overcome duality. This is a process of unity that employs a central energetic spinal channel that delivers pure energy. Evolution is diminishing our fears, and thus dissolving the dual nature of our bodies. The left and right hemispheres are moving into communion. The fearful Masculine brain supports chemical reactivity, dis-ease, aging and death…destruction. The loving Feminine brain supports ease, youth and immortality…creation. And this is happening within our bodies NOW! It only requires a shift in perception to see it.
Ok then have you read “My Stroke of Insight” by Jill Bolte Taylor PhD
a trained brain scientist had a stroke and records what went on following the stroke and during her recovery.. Her “left brain” was broken (no speech, understanding of speech, sound etc) but her right brain functioned… maybe read it???
Yes Martha I have read the book. The problem with Jill’s account (besides that fact it is an anecodote from a wonderful storyteller) is that she is describing her experience of acute brain injury. She could have had similar experiences regardless of the location of her stroke. Some excellent critiques of her talk and its problems can be found here: http://westallen.typepad.com/idealawg/2008/04/some-critical-t.html
Hi Sarah, loved your article … came upon it as I was researching horizontal integration of left & right brain and vertical integration, from primitive responses to ‘mature’. Im a 3rd year education student and am looking at how this information impacts on the way we teach and learn. The lecture was on Brain Theory and Neuroplasticity. (a very basic one) What is the scope of ‘integration of left & right brain’ would this be referring to the myth you are debunking? or different functions of left and right? Thanks
[…] McKay, S. (2013). The Myth of the Creative-Right vs Analytical-Left Brain: Debunked. [Blog Post]. Retrieved from https://drsarahmckay.com/left-brain-right-brain-myth/ […]
Fascinating article, Sarah, thank you. After 16 years of doctoral and masters studies and teaching in higher education, I’ve started a digital SLR camera course, only to find that I understand but can’t adequately translate the classroom lessons into photos that reflect what I learned. I thought it was the left/right brain issue, but perhaps it’s simply because I’ve tended to “live in my head” rather than engage in practical activities requiring coordination between the mental and practical.
Are there any neurological explanations for this conundrum? Thanks, Anna
[…] trying to shatter other theories in which they know nothing of. Neuroscientists agree with him. Reply With Quote […]
I’ve done research on why the MBTI type doesn’t matter as far as saying every ESFJ is not the same as me,that’s my archetype.
I’ve focussed more on brain lateralization with myself & I’ve had to find out why people of the same type hasn’t even liked me,it has come to my attention that I don’t place great importance on say a persons skin colour that say a more right brained ESFJ probably does.
I focus more on what sort of person they are (i.e. personality,etc) than what their colour is,I am 66% left brained so I have to find out why I don’t focus on the same things as they do (i.e. height & colour) so I’ve even had to find out why some ESFJ’s are different to me – they are more right brained than me !!!!
I agree with Rama, I always knew Betty Edwards was being figurative when describing her theory ; which is actually a life changing book. There is definitely a different access when doing something creative versus something that requires thought or intellect. Creativity is free thinking whereas intellect requires concentration. Even temporal (time) perception is effected. Only activity I have found that combines the two “hemispheres” is reading for pleasure.
Thanks for such kind of informative post with ‘right-brained’ vs ‘left-brained’. Is it really creativity or analytical depends on this? If yes, then I’ve cleared which type of my personality.
Iain McGilchrist has written a fascinating and deeply scholarly book, ‘The Master and his Emissary’ . His presents wide-ranging evidence of how information is processed differently by mirror areas in each hemisphere. He then connects it to how Western philosophy evolved. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Master_and_His_Emissary).
His thesis has similarities to but distinct differences to both the task positive and default mode networks (https://www.pnas.org/content/102/27/9673.full) , and Kahneman’s Slow and Fast (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thinking,_Fast_and_Slow).
I, like many others, had dismissed the popular ideas of hemispheric differences. But then I read McGilchrists’ THE MASTER AND HIS EMISSARY . McGilchrist makes the point that we should not throw the baby out with the bath water. Popular ideas of the “creative RH” and the “analytic LH” are misleading, but there is a wealth of evidence presented by McGilchrist that the two cortical hemisphere relate to the world in significantly different ways. McGilchrist goes to great pains to point out that the two hemispheres are in constant communication with each other and that both hemispheres have a role in almost everything we do.
The point is that their role are different; their contributions are different. The more we understand how the two hemispheres differ, the better we will understand how our minds operate. Evolution has favored hemispheric lateralization and retained it – presumably because it is adaptive. So, yes, dismiss the simplistic, popular notions about hemispheric dichotomies, but don’t dismiss the emerging research on hemispheric differences which, to my mind, have profound implications for how we manage our minds.
I’d love it if researcher paid attention to lateralization in their research. When a researcher reports, for example, that the amygdala was activated, do they mean that both the left and right amygdalae were equally activated? Or, was it just the one on the left, or on the right? There appears to be a blindspot when it comes to the potential for lateralization that is only strengthened by simple dismissals of the idea of hemispheric lateralization.
This needs to be spread to more small-town USA schools. In the small and rural town I grew up in, schools accepted that people grew up to be more left-brained/right-brained and it’s so unfortunately coincidental that these schools naturally gave girls the impression that they were ‘right-brained’. These girls would go on to believe that their future was already laid out for them in the ‘right-brained’ world and I don’t think a single female from my graduating class went on to do something in Engineering at first (a class size of 200 ). Some of them became engineers or went into the ‘left-brained’ world anyways during or after college but they all shared the same frustration – why they were brainwashed into thinking the ‘right-brained’ path was their destiny. It seems like more urban school systems have mostly done away with this mentality but it still persists in a surprising amount of schools across rural USA.
That’s a terrible outcome from this myth! I should add your comment into the problems with this outdated notion.
As I was growing up if you were left handed you were forced to be right handed thank goodness this practice 21 year old and is left handed and very creative. I am very interested in how the brain works.Although I have A neurological disease. I am aware it must have impact on my brain.When studying it takes longer that most people,as I am getting older my spelling is getting worse.
Hi Sarah. I have a few talents including creative mathematics and art (oil painting and drawing). I discovered creative maths when I was 13 and have recently produced some world first maths with Fibonacci, etc. I am the creator of the candiiiplex and discoverer of Arrational Numbers. As a high school teacher, I have taken an interest in a variety of combinations of mathematics or science and art. The art I am talking about is everything from the colour and layout of my whiteboard or the flow of patterns to diagrams and full-on art to incite ideas and “what ifs” in the students’ minds and class dialogues. You want to know something . . . as a teacher it is so exciting to learn new things from your students. I love to be a part of driving real creativity and innovation in mathematics and science in a class room. My question is; how does art help drive creativity and innovation in mathematics and science?
[…] was a myth (although debunked in 2013), which postulated that we have two brains: The methodical or analytical side on the left and the […]
[…] was a myth (although debunked in 2013), which postulated that we have two brains: The methodical or analytical side on the left and the […]
[…] was a myth (although debunked in 2013), which postulated that we have two brains: The methodical or analytical side on the left and the […]
[…] was a myth (although debunked in 2013), which postulated that we have two brains: The methodical or analytical side on the left and the […]
[…] was a myth (although debunked in 2013), which postulated that we have two brains: The methodical or analytical side on the left and the […]
[…] was a myth (although debunked in 2013), which postulated that we have two brains: The methodical or analytical side on the left and the […]
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Guess I will just bookmark this page.”
Hello there, just became alert to your blog through Google, and found that it is truly informative. I am gonna watch out for brussels. I’ll be grateful if you continue this in future. Lots of people will be benefited from your writing. Cheers
Thanks for clarification! That’s very intriguing. I suppose my question is now, “what makes one more ‘gifted’ in one skill than another?” Would it be a matter of development or personal interest? Maybe both? Are some people born with a better grasp on mathematics and physics than producing art and vice versa?
There’s a common misconception that left-brained people are analytical, while right-brained people are more creative.
Great article Sarah. I am multilingual and speak four languages, German, French, Japanese and native English.
Also I am a scientist, a technical, business and engineering journalist, plus an artist, doing my own drawings / paintings for the children’s books I am writing and all the novel about espionage, nano particle flying people and Japan.
I also exercise daily, do word games and swim plus do yoga and other exercises / meditation, look after pets and travel a lot speaking in the four languages as I go.
So I think that I am using all of my brain –
This whole conversation was an eye opener for me, thanks Sarah. I always thought in terms of the “dominance” of left/right brain thinking and worried that as an artist (predominantly a painter) I would sometimes produce very free, spontaneous, intutive pieces and sometimes quite controlled, almost linear work (I am generally working in an abstract way). Some of the comments here lead me to think that I might have equal weightings of creative/linear instincts and that’s why I so easily switch from one to the other. External pressure on artists can enforce them to stick to working in only one particular way – galleries like it, buyers like it – but I find a singular approach (style) elusive and have constantly found myself working in a number of different ways quite happily. I could see that most of my fellow painters were settled generally into one style or approach and I wasn’t. Furthermore, there is lots of advice out there to artists as to “how to find your voice” and I have read most of that stuff and have it on my shelves. How helpful it has been I am not sure.
I am now coming to see that what I produce is “all” my voice, not just the logical, linear aspects (tighter controlled paintings) but the intuitive, spontaneous aspects (very free and joyous paintings) and should either totally accept “this is me” “all of my brain” or make a choice – am I going to stick with the spontaneous, free approach or the more analytical, linear approach – but then I have to know the reason for making that decision… it ain’t easy !
I feel very conflicted. Jill Bolte Taylor’s personal experience is so very compelling. Her movement of a whole brain society gives us an example of both aspects (left and Right brain) working side by side in harmony. It works so well symbolically also. It shows me how difficult changing a belief is.
I really like this. I am sad to hear it’s not true because the L/R brain theory neatly explained personality traits….. but also happy to think about looking at individual strengths, abilities and the greater opportunity of ‘blended skills’.