We’ve all been there. The deadline is looming, and you know it’s finally time to sit down and complete your annual tax return. Instead, it dawns on you that you haven’t walked the dog since yesterday, you haven’t had your morning coffee, and it’s been at least two hours since you last scrolled through the latest family news on Facebook. The prospect of abiding by tax regulations doesn’t have the same immediate appeal as social media or caffeine.
Insights into procrastination
Scientists who study procrastination define it as “a voluntary delay of an intended course of action despite expecting to be worse off for the delay”.
They find that people who procrastinate tend to choose short-term gratification over long-term, more worthwhile goals. They may do so even when that delay has serious health, academic, or financial implications.
Putting off what you could do today until tomorrow is commonplace. One study found that up to 46% of college students procrastinate on specific academic tasks. Psychology professor Joe Ferrari reports that 10% to 20% of adults in the general population are chronic procrastinators.
Whilst chronic procrastination is not a mental health diagnosis, it is associated with:
- increased stress and anxiety
- poor grades in school
- poor performance at work
- and reduced well-being.
Ferrari writes,
“One of my favorite sayings is, “Everyone procrastinates, but not everyone is a procrastinator.” We all put tasks off, but my research has found that 20 percent of U.S. men and women are chronic procrastinators. They delay at home, work, school and in relationships. These 20 percent make procrastination their way of life.”
Is procrastination simply poor time management?
Procrastination is often attributed to poor time management.
However, Ferrari, author of Still Procrastinating: The No Regrets Guide to Getting It Done, disagrees. He explains that chronic procrastination is due to poor self-regulation, not poor time management. This might explain why learning time management skills don’t typically help those afflicted.
Ferrari also notes that telling the chronic procrastinator to “just do it” would be like telling a clinically depressed person to “just cheer up”. Instead of trying to manage time, Ferrari suggests procrastinators learn to manage their mindset.
“To battle against procrastination, focus on the future. Don’t regret what you didn’t accomplish. Do you want to be proud of yourself, or do you want to live in regret? Spend time with doers who get things done. Talk to them, ask them for their advice, model their behavior.
And, realize that you are not alone. You learned this tendency, you can unlearn it. Procrastination is not adaptive; you are actually missing much of life. So leave a legacy. Don’t procrastinate, just do it now.”
A unique form of 21st-century procrastination.
In 2014, Dutch scientists from Utrecht University described a new type of procrastination that has given insights into the psychology of the phenomenon: bedtime procrastination.
Dr Floor Kroese, an assistant professor of health psychology, and his team found that going to bed later than intended is a form of procrastination.
Kroese explains,
“Bedtime procrastination is defined as failing to go to bed at the intended time, while no external circumstances prevent a person from doing so.”
The study supported the notion that procrastination and self-control are closely related. Again, Kroese explains,
“Bedtime procrastination occurs when people have little mental energy, or self-control strength, because the decision to go to bed is inherently made at the end of the day when self-control is typically weaker.”
Another interesting finding from the study is that while procrastination typically involves putting off unpleasant tasks, going to bed is generally not considered unpleasant.
Instead, the researchers speculated it is not so much a matter of not wanting to go to sleep but rather not wanting to quit other enjoyable activities, especially TV watching or social media. They point out,
“With the development of electrical devices and the 24/7 entertainment industry, people may be facing many more distractions now compared to several decades ago.”
The tug of war between your present and future selves
Research points towards procrastinators engaging in a constant tug of war between their emotionally-driven pleasure-seeking ‘current self’ (who would rather watch TV than go to bed) and the rational, reasoning ‘future self’ (who is tired the next day).
Carleton University professor Timothy Pychyl explains,
“In a sense, we’re passing the buck to our future self … Difficulty in bridging the gap between the present and future self is one factor that may contribute to the mood and behaviour regulation failure that are the precursors and products of procrastination.”
Here are five tips to help chronic procrastinators get started (today).
1. Bridge the gap between your current and future self.
Developing empathy for your future self is similar to developing empathy for others. Make a conscious effort to step into your future self’s shoes.
2. Turn a long-term goal into a project complete with micro-goals.
Treat yourself to a cup of coffee or scroll through social media after accomplishing your micro-goal, rather than waiting until you finish the overall goal.
3. Put obstacles in the way.
For example, bedtime procrastinators are encouraged to turn off the TV and disconnect from social media after eating dinner to adhere to their planned bedtime.
4. Don’t use tough love.
The best personal remedy for procrastination might be self-forgiveness. One study of procrastinating students found those who forgave themselves after procrastinating on the first exam were less likely to delay studying for the second one.
5. Learn to feel discomfort.
Procrastinators tend to focus on making themselves feel happier rather than drawing insight from what makes them feel bad.
This piece was first published on the now-retired ABC Active Memory site.
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About Dr Sarah
Neuroscientist, Author, Speaker, Director of The Neuroscience Academy suite of professional training programs.
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I think number 1 and number 4 on this list are huge
Interesting article. Especially in terms of the possible causes of procrastination. I myself am a university student and can relate directly to the impact of technological advancements and hindering students in thinking about their future self rather than spending time on short-term goals and satisfaction. And so micro-goals are extremely important to achieve those long term goals.
My attention is drawn on “Reduced Wellbeing”. You know as people age their
brain powers diminish, this results in memory loss that also cause procrastination. Aging is a natural phenomenon that can’t be avoided but it can be minimised. While applying the instances you gave to stay focused to overcome procrastination its also important to give attention to internal welbeing, this also suffices – https://bit.ly/2Gtr1Kn
1 and 5
Some psychologists include task initiation as an executive function and we all have different profiles in terms of strengths and weaknesses when it comes to executive skills. But for those of us with ADHD – and there are a LOT of people out there with undiagnosed ADHD – we have huge challenges in these areas. Environmental modifications are the best for us. So yes, obstacles I find are most useful. 🙂
I have been a lifetime procrastinator and have managed to improve to a large degree but the tendency remains, especially when I reach a stage in the situation Im avoiding where Im uncertain of what to do next. In his book Compassion and Self Hate, Theodor Isaac Rubin says that procrastination is a form of self hate. In my experience this was a helpful insight that in many ways fit my own experience and I found it helpful to examine and re-frame my experience and approach procrastination from both a more loving and practical perspective in terms of addressing it constructively.
Interesting framing of this. Thanks Cheryl.
Some interesting points in relation to procrastinating.
I think there are many different types of procrastinators or many different reasons why people procrastinate, if that makes sense. For example, some may have a perfectionist type personality e.g. like No.1 on the Enneagram personality type model, and defer doing some task, for example, like starting or finishing an assignment, because they don’t have time to do it perfect! I was that soldier but have learned that ‘good enough’ is fine, just get it done.
A piece of advice I once read comes to mind: Action leading to mood works better than mood leading to action ..i.e. rather than waiting until you are in the mood/have the energy to do something, do it and the mood/energy will follow!
Thanks Lily. Definitely more to taking action that I covered in this piece, and I love your advice: Action leading to mood works better than mood leading to action.
I think the procrastination and the people suffering from it deserve a more thorough and holistic research. The conclusions in this article are good but I also find them a bit narrow (or maybe partial truth).
The research has to factor in how people feel about what they need to do. Do they have passion for the work they do? Do they feel fulfilled in their lives? etc.
Fair point. The scope of this article was pretty narrow and looked only at procrastination as a reason for ‘not’ changing, versus all research on behaviour change.