Are music lessons the key to smarter kids?
My youngest son is now 13, but when he was four, he started piano lessons. Four years old ...
Growing resilient children. 10 neuroscience facts all parents and teachers should know.
By Mariana Rickmann PhD. What do parents who also happen to be scientists (like me) do when faced with ...
Seven common-sense building blocks for your child’s brain.
Some people experience terrible childhoods and yet flourish throughout life. Other people grow up in loving homes but ...
How to teach your kids about their brain.
Knowledge is power. So learning about the brain lays strong foundations for emotional intelligence. Wise words from clinical ...
8 ways to encourage a growth mindset in kids.
Of all the topics I've written about over the years, how to foster a growth mindset in our ...
Should teenagers sleep in and start school later in the day?
Would teenagers do better in their exams if they could sleep in and start school later in ...
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The 9 Habits of Highly Healthy Brains
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