Gut-Brain Health – What Neuroscientists Are Calling “A Paradigm Shift”
Scientists call the trillions of microbes that inhabit your body the microbiome. They outnumber your own cells ten ...
Four facts about teenage brains all neuroscientists agree on.
Biology determines the beginning of adolescence. The tick-tick-tick of the hypothalamic clock signals the beginning of the transition ...
These are the 7 habits of highly healthy brains (in order of importance)
The relationships between our thoughts, our biology, the world around us, and our health and wellbeing are complex. Add ...
Antidepressants may be no better than a placebo, so why take them?
The placebo effect, the power of belief, and the mind-body relationship is fascinating. In fact, a desire to understand ...
Season of your birth affects your mood in later life
I'm turning 40 early in the new year and planning to celebrate fearlessly and fabulously with a mid-summer ...
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The 9 Habits of Highly Healthy Brains
Backed by neuroscience. Tested by neuroscientists.