Imagine this: mental imagery strengthens neural circuits.
Imagine this: thinking about exercise strengthens your muscles, even if you don’t move an inch. Mental imagery not ...
This is your brain on placebo effects
Visiting the doctor for a sore back often leads to instant relief after taking a prescribed pill, but ...
Brain-to-Brain Synchrony: How Neuroscience Decodes Trust, Rapport and Attachment
Because we’re social creatures, we tend to synchronise our actions and emotions (or at least the ones we ...
How to go with the flow.
Whitewater kayakers and musicians experience it. So do video gamers, rock climbers, and experienced meditators. If you've ever ...
Gut-Brain Health – What Neuroscientists Are Calling “A Paradigm Shift”
Scientists call the trillions of microbes that inhabit your body the microbiome. They outnumber your own cells ten ...
How your friends reduce your risk of dementia.
“The days are long, but the years are short.” This was a mantra to myself many afternoons when ...
Is your brain safe from sugar?
Back in 2013 (when this post was first published), it was quite fashionable to 'quit sugar'. Health and ...
The upside of anger.
We tend to think of our emotions such as anger, sadness or guilt, as something to avoid at ...
The Pregnant Brain. Preparing the mind for motherhood.
This is a long read, download a PDF version of the article here. Motherhood changes everything Little did ...
Your life’s purpose. Why finding your passion is essential to maintaining brain health.
I've been writing this brain health blog since 2013, and it has changed my life and my career ...
download your brain health checklist

The 9 Habits of Highly Healthy Brains
Backed by neuroscience. Tested by neuroscientists.