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Dealing with dementia. Everything you need to know [Infographic].

Please include attribution to encorecarehomes.co.uk with this graphic.

Green time for your brain

With thanks to www.uksmobility.co.uk for this graphic.

[infographic] 25 essential apps for a healthy body and mind

We all carry our phones around with us 24/7. This isn't necessarily a bad thing. Sitting in your pocket ...

8 ways to encourage a growth mindset in kids.

Of all the topics I've written about over the years, how to foster a growth mindset in our ...
Global impact statistics dementia Alzheimer's disease info graphic

Global impact of dementia 2013-2050 [infographic]

Infographic thanks to Alzheimer's Disease International (2013) .
brain neuroscience chronic pain info graphic

The neuroscience of how chronic pain rewires your brain [infographic]

from Thanks to totalinjury.com for this informative infographic
brain exercise happiness mood neurotransmitter hormone [infographic]

The neuroscience of how exercise makes you happy [infographic]

Thanks to HealthCentral for this lovely infographic.  

download your brain health checklist


The 9 Habits of Highly Healthy Brains

Backed by neuroscience. Tested by neuroscientists.