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Five lifestyle changes to enhance your mood and mental health

We humans tend to forget we're wildlife, which is possibly why our planet is heading for climate change ...

This is your brain on junk food (according to a neuroscientist, Part 6).

We know high fat and high sugar “junk” foods are bad for our health, but we often sneak ...

Food for thought (Part 5)

The foods we eat can have a huge impact on our brain’s function. Neuroscientists show that rats fed ...

Ketogenic diets and brain health (part 4)

Is a diet where you can eat chocolate-dipped bacon AND lose weight too good to be true? Part ...

The neuroscience of the gut-brain connection (Part 1)

Coloured scanning electron micrograph of Escherichia coli, grown in culture (CC BY 2.0) This is the first post ...
Grandpa Joe centenarian blue zones lessons

How to become a centenarian – 9 lessons from the people who’ve lived the longest.

Late last year in my Meet the Neuroscientists interview series, I spoke to Charlene Levitan who studies centenarians ...
berry grape resveratrol memory loss

Can berries, grapes and red wine prevent memory loss?

Last week I wrote about why berries may not be the brain-boosting super food we've all been lead ...
berry brain health superfood myth

Why berries may not be a brain-boosting super food (part 1)

Early October and the mulberry tree over my back fence is laden down with fruit.  I picked three ...

Mediterranean Diet. The best diet for your healthy aging brain

you’re an astute reader of my blog then you’ll notice that, apart from blogging about how to drink ...

download your brain health checklist


The 9 Habits of Highly Healthy Brains

Backed by neuroscience. Tested by neuroscientists.