Increasing Brain Potential ‘The Exchange’ TV show The Exchange TV says their show is a little is like meeting with your friends in ...
Smartphone app shows a wandering mind is an unhappy mind.
An intriguing paper called 'A wandering mind is an unhappy mind,' was published in the journal Science a couple ...
My TEDx talk ‘Indulge Your Neurobiology’
Here it is: My TEDx Northern Sydney Institute talk 'Indulge Your Neurobiology'. In my talk I share my ...
Three evidence-based daily habits for wellbeing and happiness
This week I spoke with Megan McDonough CEO and co-founder along with Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar of the Wholebeing Institute. ...
Why working too hard impairs your thinking.
This week's blog post comes from Rebekah Lambert. Rebekah makes her living as marketing, content creation and copywriting freelancer ...
How to build good habits, make them stick & the awesome power of being boring
Todays blog post is comes to you from Gregory Ciotti who writes at where he explores creative work, ...
Online brain training. Does it really work?
When I was about 8 years old, Dad (who has always been quite ahead of his time in ...
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