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Five lifestyle changes to enhance your mood and mental health

We humans tend to forget we're wildlife, which is possibly why our planet is heading for climate change ...

Growing resilient children. 10 neuroscience facts all parents and teachers should know.

By Mariana Rickmann PhD. What do parents who also happen to be scientists (like me) do when faced with ...

How to break bad habits using neuroscience

What are habits? Your brain is fundamentally lazy. When it can, it wires thoughts, emotions, or behaviours into ...

These are the 7 habits of highly healthy brains (in order of importance)

The relationships between our thoughts, our biology, the world around us, and our health and wellbeing are complex. Add ...

Deep sleep strengthens long-term immune system memory

Sleep. That under-appreciated and under-consumed daily nightly activity that takes up nearly one third of our lives has a new-found ...

Three evidence-based daily habits for wellbeing and happiness

This week I spoke with Megan McDonough CEO and co-founder along with Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar of the Wholebeing Institute. ...
Dr Charlene Levitan longevity Sydney Centenarian Study

Uncovering the secrets to successful ageing with Dr Charlene Levitan

Dr Charlene Levitan from the University of New South Wales heads the Sydney Centenarian Study. She studies that ...

download your brain health checklist


The 9 Habits of Highly Healthy Brains

Backed by neuroscience. Tested by neuroscientists.