
Posts Filed Under:

brain health

Wendy Suzuki Healthy Brain Happy Life Book Club

Healthy Brain, Happy Life – June Walking Book Club

Healthy Brain, Happy Life - June Walking Book Club I'm obsessed with podcasts and listen to numerous episodes ...

Three evidence-based daily habits for wellbeing and happiness

This week I spoke with Megan McDonough CEO and co-founder along with Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar of the Wholebeing Institute. ...
Michelle Barack Obama exercise brain health

What the Obamas, Tony Abbott and Richard Branson teach us about brain health

Tony Abbott, Australia's Prime Minister, turned to me on a beach in August last year and said "Are ...
berry brain health superfood myth

Why berries may not be a brain-boosting super food (part 1)

Early October and the mulberry tree over my back fence is laden down with fruit.  I picked three ...
gut brain link connection probiotics microbes

One billion reasons probiotics protect your brain

Bacteroides species are some of the most common bacteria in the human gut.   I’ve been making my ...

download your brain health checklist


The 9 Habits of Highly Healthy Brains

Backed by neuroscience. Tested by neuroscientists.