Busy brains build resilience to ageing. (Part 6 of Your Brain at 100)
This is part 6 of a series of lessons in brain health from our elders — those folk ...
7 principles of neuroscience every coach and therapist should know
What does neuroscience have to do with coaching and therapy? Short answer: it can provide a unique lens ...
How to stop procrastinating (now!).
We’ve all been there. The deadline is looming, and you know it’s finally time to sit down and ...
Can you prevent memory loss and brain ageing?
Here I take a look at some of the evidence linking education and occupation with better cognitive function ...
The simple strategy to achieve your 2017 goals
Work harder? Why do some people fail to achieve their goals, even when they start with the very ...
REFIRE: 6 steps to rewire your brain (and master anything).
You can teach an old brain new tricks. But it takes more than simply waving a magic neuroplasticity ...
Health Check: four key ways to improve your brain health
Health Check: four key ways to improve your brain health Anthony Hannan, Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental ...
Does meditation stress you out? Here’s what I do instead.
Has mindfulness mediation become the latest bandwagon to jump on? Over the past few years, I've written about ...
These are the 7 habits of highly healthy brains (in order of importance)
The relationships between our thoughts, our biology, the world around us, and our health and wellbeing are complex. Add ...
A nap to recap. How daytime sleep improves recall.
A nap to recap. How daytime sleep improves recall. In case you missed that time I did a ...
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