Are music lessons the key to smarter kids?
My youngest son is now 13, but when he was four, he started piano lessons. Four years old ...
7 principles of neuroscience every coach and therapist should know
What does neuroscience have to do with coaching and therapy? Short answer: it can provide a unique lens ...
How to break bad habits using neuroscience
What are habits? Your brain is fundamentally lazy. When it can, it wires thoughts, emotions, or behaviours into ...
REFIRE: 6 steps to rewire your brain (and master anything).
You can teach an old brain new tricks. But it takes more than simply waving a magic neuroplasticity ...
What is brain plasticity and why is it so important?
What is brain plasticity and why is it so important? Duncan Banks, The Open University Neuroplasticity – or ...
Can you think yourself into a different person?
We used to believe our brains couldn’t be changed. Now we believe they can – if we ...
8 ways to encourage a growth mindset in kids.
Of all the topics I've written about over the years, how to foster a growth mindset in our ...
Increasing Brain Potential ‘The Exchange’ TV show The Exchange TV says their show is a little is like meeting with your friends in ...
Healthy Brain, Happy Life – June Walking Book Club
Healthy Brain, Happy Life - June Walking Book Club I'm obsessed with podcasts and listen to numerous episodes ...
The Brain’s Way of Healing – April Walking Book Club
As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, I've been reading Norman Doidge’s latest book ‘The Brain’s Way ...
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The 9 Habits of Highly Healthy Brains
Backed by neuroscience. Tested by neuroscientists.