The neuroscience of the gut-brain connection (Part 1)
Coloured scanning electron micrograph of Escherichia coli, grown in culture (CC BY 2.0) This is the first post ...
The Women’s Brain Book / Demystifying the Female Brain
I've written a book! Just one book. It may appear that I've written two, but, we're publishing the ...
How to stop procrastinating (now!).
We’ve all been there. The deadline is looming, and you know it’s finally time to sit down and ...
How to teach your kids about their brain.
Knowledge is power. So learning about the brain lays strong foundations for emotional intelligence. Wise words from clinical ...
REFIRE: 6 steps to rewire your brain (and master anything).
You can teach an old brain new tricks. But it takes more than simply waving a magic neuroplasticity ...
These are the 13 neuroscience blogs and podcasts you need to follow in 2016.
Neuroscience is seductive. We have studies proving that the presence of irrelevant neuroscience information makes explanations of psychological phenomena ...
Can you think yourself into a different person?
We used to believe our brains couldn’t be changed. Now we believe they can – if we ...
Knitting your way to a healthier, happier mind
I've been proudly involved with Neural Knitworks since its inception, sharing the latest article out on this fabulous ...
Fearful memories reinforced by the stress hormone cortisol.
Fearful memories are reinforced by the stress hormone cortisol. We're all more likely to remember events that have ...
My TEDx talk ‘Indulge Your Neurobiology’
Here it is: My TEDx Northern Sydney Institute talk 'Indulge Your Neurobiology'. In my talk I share my ...
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The 9 Habits of Highly Healthy Brains
Backed by neuroscience. Tested by neuroscientists.