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5 ways to improve your body-mind connection

Did you know that the chit chat between mind and body goes two ways? Your body is an ...

My top 5 brain health stories for 2014.

As 2014 draws to a close I've crunched the numbers and come up with the the top 5 most ...

Antidepressants may be no better than a placebo, so why take them?

The placebo effect, the power of belief, and the mind-body relationship is fascinating. In fact, a desire to understand ...
30 minutes exercise, half a spin class, promotes neuroplasticity

30 minutes cycling (equivalent to half a spin class) promotes brain plasticity

Don't have time to exercise? Remember the blog post I wrote about Tony Abbott, Barak Obama and Richard ...
Brain Immune communication expert neuroscientist Dr Mark Hutchinson

Brain-immune communication: meet the expert Dr Mark Hutchinson.

Meet Dr Mark Hutchinson. Mark's research focus is 'the other brain' and immune-to-brain and brain-to-immune communication. Mark is an Australian Research ...
brain neuroscience chronic pain info graphic

The neuroscience of how chronic pain rewires your brain [infographic]

from Thanks to totalinjury.com for this informative infographic
Immune Brain Connection

Addiction and the brain: how the immune system takes over

Dr Mark  Hutchinson is an Associate Professor and Senior Australian Research Council Research Fellow in the School of ...
meditation mindfulness changes the brain

27 minutes of mindfulness meditation a day changes brain structure

I confess that I’m struggling with my new meditation practice. I've diagnosed myself with a severe case of monkey-mind. ...
The neuroscience of meditation

I’m starting today – meditation, mindfulness and mind-emptiness

The Buddhist connection is one reason Mindfulness is so popular. Image from shutterstock.com It'll make you a better ...
diamond python amygdala anxiety brain fear

Snakes, fear, and my primal brain

It was a hot hot Friday afternoon three weeks ago when I stepped out my front door to ...

download your brain health checklist


The 9 Habits of Highly Healthy Brains

Backed by neuroscience. Tested by neuroscientists.