The neurobiology of the afternoon nap
One seemingly ordinary Saturday afternoon in June 2013, an unusual experience awaited me in a furniture store: I ...
Age-related muscle wasting and cognitive decline linked
by Blake Alec Miranda. We're all familiar with the concept that with ageing comes a gradual loss of ...
Ageing in harmony: why the third act of life should be musical
Playing music is good for people at all stages in their lives – including the elderly. Jeremy Brooks, ...
Five lifestyle changes to enhance your mood and mental health
We humans tend to forget we're wildlife, which is possibly why our planet is heading for climate change ...
Food for thought (Part 5)
The foods we eat can have a huge impact on our brain’s function. Neuroscientists show that rats fed ...
The emerging field of psychobiotics (Part 3)
Today in Part 3 of our series on the gut-brain axis, Drs Amy Reichelt and Sarah McKay discuss ...
REFIRE: 6 steps to rewire your brain (and master anything).
You can teach an old brain new tricks. But it takes more than simply waving a magic neuroplasticity ...
What is brain plasticity and why is it so important?
What is brain plasticity and why is it so important? Duncan Banks, The Open University Neuroplasticity – or ...
This is the one daily habit that will protect your mental health.
This is the one daily habit that will protect your mental health. Today's article comes from Max Jacobs, ...
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The 9 Habits of Highly Healthy Brains
Backed by neuroscience. Tested by neuroscientists.