Imagine this: mental imagery strengthens neural circuits.
Imagine this: thinking about exercise strengthens your muscles, even if you don’t move an inch. Mental imagery not ...
The myth of multi-tasking.
Paying attention to the statistics A few years ago, I was invited to speak to a group of ...
How to go with the flow.
Whitewater kayakers and musicians experience it. So do video gamers, rock climbers, and experienced meditators. If you've ever ...
Curiosity changes the brain to boost memory and learning.
Emma Saville, The Conversation The more curious we are about a topic, the easier it is to remember ...
Are music lessons the key to smarter kids?
My youngest son is now 13, but when he was four, he started piano lessons. Four years old ...
The coffee drinker’s guide to better brain health
Two early-morning long blacks. A lunchtime flat white (especially if I'm near a cafe). And sometimes a sneaky ...
The upside of anger.
We tend to think of our emotions such as anger, sadness or guilt, as something to avoid at ...
The uncertain brain. A guide to facing the fear of the unknown.
Click here to download a PDF of this article “…in these uncertain and unprecedented times…” How often have ...
The creative-right vs analytical-left brain myth: debunked!
I’m a neuroscientist by trade. Popular culture would most likely label me 'logical, detail-oriented and analytical' (which I ...
Your life’s purpose. Why finding your passion is essential to maintaining brain health.
I've been writing this brain health blog since 2013, and it has changed my life and my career ...
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The 9 Habits of Highly Healthy Brains
Backed by neuroscience. Tested by neuroscientists.