This is your brain on placebo effects
Visiting the doctor for a sore back often leads to instant relief after taking a prescribed pill, but ...
Gut-Brain Health – What Neuroscientists Are Calling “A Paradigm Shift”
Scientists call the trillions of microbes that inhabit your body the microbiome. They outnumber your own cells ten ...
Does CBT teach your prefrontal cortex to keep emotions in check?
Does CBT Teach Your Prefrontal Cortex To Keep Emotions In Check? In 2014, science journalist Emily Anthes wrote ...
The brave new world of psychedelic therapies for mental health
After decades of prohibition and stigmatisation, psychedelics have emerged as a promising treatment for those with mental health ...
Exercise as a Treatment Option for Depression: What Does the Science Say?
by Anne Guzman, sports nutritionist and former professional road cyclist. Learn more about Anne's work here >. If ...
Fear, loathing, HRT and women’s health research.
YOUR BRAIN ON MENOPAUSE: In this seven-part series, I explore menopause from a brain health perspective with a particular focus ...
Menopause and sleep problems: are you too hot to sleep?
YOUR BRAIN ON MENOPAUSE: In this seven-part series, I explore menopause from a brain health perspective with a particular focus ...
The teenage brain and COVID. Telling stories might help.
In a recent Conversation article, Donna Pendergast, Griffith University and Stephen Dobson, Te Herenga Waka — Victoria University ...
The upside of anger.
We tend to think of our emotions such as anger, sadness or guilt, as something to avoid at ...
This is your brain on empathy.
The Age of Introspection But how do you discover who you are and why you’re here? Pick up ...
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The 9 Habits of Highly Healthy Brains
Backed by neuroscience. Tested by neuroscientists.